Media Pitch
We will come up with ideas, pitch them to the media and help you secure media coverage and enhance your profile.
We know exactly what editors like to cover, what will resonate with them, how to pitch and how to give you the best chance of coverage.
We’ve provided lawyers with concise media pitches that’s given them the media coverage they need and deserve. We have worked in public relations and understand their thinking, their audience and the ideas they find valuable and have relationships with journalists in the legal sector, business press and national press. So when it comes to pitching, we know what topics are keeping clients awake at night and how to get in front of the people that matter. We know exactly who to pitch to and how to do it effectively.
LinkedIn Reporting and Advice
We analyse your performance on LinkedIn each month and celebrate your successes and suggest improvements.
Inside our report, you’ll get a dashboard and analysis of how your content has performed, relative to your industry peers.
Our report will cover:
click through rate; and
recommendations to make it all better for the following month.
We provide our observations, your top posts and best practice advice on improvements.
LinkedIn Training
We provide personalised LinkedIn training, for your marketing team, on how to optimise your profile and use it effectively.
We will explain everything you need to know from the basics (optimising your profile to help targets and clients find you) to the different ways you can connect and engage with clients, intermediaries and prospects and to demonstrate those behaviours which your lawyer colleagues will need to emulate (how to use it effectively).
The training is fast-paced, practical and broken down into bite-sized chunks. It’s designed to rapidly equip marketers and lawyers with the skills they need to meet their social media and marketing objectives. It’s ideal for busy professionals who have very little time away from client matters but equally those who want to transform their use of the platform.
We promise to help you make the most out of your LinkedIn account to win new opportunities and raise your profile.
Social Media
We will optimise a bundle of high-quality social media posts to help you stay top-of-mind.
We create hub and hero content that your target audience searches for, regularly engages with and distributes on. Which piece of content we create will depend on your social media objectives (e.g gaining more connections) and marketing objectives (e.g positioning you as the opinion former).
Maybe you want to promote a new lawyer?
Maybe you want to promote your legal directory rankings?
Maybe you’ve recently done a high-value deal?
Our thoughtfully created social media posts can cover a wide range of topics from important legal updates to recycling blogs. All our posts have strong calls to action to drive engagement or traffic to your website profile. We can also create visuals aligned to your firm’s brand to ensure your content stands out.
Rather than relying solely on content that informs, we ensure you are known for credible and valuable information that better showcases your expertise and client successes. We use all our best practice knowledge of social media to help craft high-impact posts that are worth sharing.
Marketing Plan
We help develop a high-impact digital marketing plan with the specific actions you need to take to execute your strategy and achieve your growth goals.
We act as part of your team to achieve your high-growth marketing goals. We start by understanding the objectives for your business and growth then build a digital marketing plan that delivers on those goals.
Maybe you want to benchmark your firm against your competitors?
Maybe you want to launch a new website?
Maybe you want to improve your search ranking/SEO?
Maybe you want to convince the board and partnership that you need to be doing more digital marketing?
We can help set marketing activites that help to deliver these goals and gets you up to speed with digital marketing quickly.
Let us focus on delivering the digital strategy so you can focus on firm-wide iniatives.
Channel Management
We will manage your multi-channel marketing campaigns across all channels.
Have a great idea for three audiences? Let’s repurpose it and recycle it. Let’s use it across the various different platforms available to us. Yes, social media. Yes, PR. But a whole load more channels besides.
We do everything from managing your website and social media accounts to sending your newsletters and direct emails (and then report on KPIs). We’ll implement a digital strategy, use the right tools and best practice to get ahead with your online channels and get you organised.
You can’t do great content marketing without having the channels to support it. Every good idea needs to be used in the right channels in order to be seen. Let’s make sure that you’re seen by the widest possible client base.
Content Optimisation
We will optimise your content using headlines, subheadings and structured data.
You’re writing for your audiences but they’re not engaging with it. Why? And what can we do about that?
We’ll refresh your ideas and optimise them for your targets and get people talking about you and your content.
We do everything from headlines and subheadings to FAQs. We’ll optimise your copy to within an inch of its life to increase your return on investment.
Digital Competitor Analysis
We provide ongoing analytics from our Digital100 to benchmark your firm against your competitors and help optimise your digital marketing activities.
We’ll use data and our track record to bring you the results you need to gain attention, remain front of mind for instructions and to convert that into business. Everything we do informs your strategy, planning and execution.
Inside our report, you’ll get:
a dashboard;
industry averages;
benchmarks; and
best practice guides.
Our analysis will show you:
how your competitors are performing;
how you perform on search engines;
where you lose traffic;
where your traffic comes from; and
what opportunities there are to improve your rankings.
Let’s not waste time doing any old digital marketing. Let’s focus on things that make the boat go faster and further.
SEO Audit
We provide highly accurate keyword research, using the best tools, and advice on how to use it.
We analyse your SEO performance, headlines and H2s on your website and blogs to identify how we can optimise them. We want you to perform as best as possible online which means thinking about the details.
We understand how legal cleints search online but we also understand how digital marketing works. This means we will combine what will improve your searching ranking with keywords, headings and subheadings that are easy to read and looks good on the page.
Oursourced Content Loading
We will load and optimise your website content.
We will take away lots of the heavy lifting from your existing marketing teams and load your website blogs, service and sector pages, biographies and more.
We understand that you don’t have time to manage your own website and there is a huge strain on the capacity of your team. If you asked your team which admin task they’d like to give up, they’d all say loading and updating your website. We’ll free up your team to work on important initiatives that deliver on the ground support to your fee-earners.