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An introduction to this report

Of the 4,500 individuals whose profiles we have looked at this year for our rankings, this list celebrates the top 100 best-performing across 2024. Huge congratulations to them all.

Across our top 100 ranked individuals, 62 law firms are represented (out of the UK’s top 200 law firms). Amazingly, 44 of these ranked individuals already outperform their firms when it comes to total likes and comments in 2024. We’re predicting that this number will rise as we go through 2025.

And, with the benefit of a large dataset and some hindsight, maybe we’re able to draw some conclusions on what constitutes an appropriate social media strategy for firms in 2025. Company pages have stalled, whereas individuals’ performances have not. So, if we ranked law firms and individuals alongside each other, only three law firms would make the top 10.

We did not produce a top 100 list for 2023, but will do a like-for-like comparison with 2024 when we come to the end of 2025. That will also allow us to highlight new voices/those on the rise. In the meantime, let’s take the opportunity to celebrate everyone who has made the list.

Simon Marshall | Founder | TBD Marketing

The methodology

We compiled the top 2,000 individuals for the top 200 UK law firms based on their total likes and comments.

In this report, we then profile the top 100 people, purely based on their Power Score (which is the total likes on their
posts in 2024 plus 4*their total comments in 2024).

We restrict our list to the top 200 law firms for a few reasons:


They are ranked by The Lawyer in the Top 200 list, making them a group that is easier to discern.


They are broadly subject to the same internal and external forces.


Smaller firms get their own list (The Indies), as individuals at those firms often have more free rein when it comes to social media.

Should you be ranked in our Top 100?

The report includes a link to a calculator where you can work out whether you should be included in our Top 100.

If your power score:
is over 13,000, you’d rank in the top 10
is over 5,500, you’d rank in the top 25
is over 2,000, you’d rank in the top 100

So if you score anything over 2,000, please do drop us a line and we’ll include you in our future rankings.

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