The internet consumes a vast amount of electricity, with a significant portion coming from non-renewable sources. Websites, including those of law firms, contribute to global carbon emissions, comparable to industries like aviation.
A sustainable website is often faster because it eliminates unnecessary elements that slow down load times. Faster websites enhance user experience, making visitors more likely to stay and engage with your content.
Search engines like Google prioritise faster, more efficient websites. By reducing your digital carbon footprint, you not only contribute to the environment but also improve your site’s search engine rankings.
Demonstrating a commitment to sustainability can enhance your law firm’s reputation. Clients are increasingly looking for businesses that are responsible and proactive about environmental issues.
416.2TWh Consumption
That's how much electricity the internet consumes on an annual basis - that's more electricity than the entire United Kingdom.
Compress Everything
Sustainable Hosting
Search Engines
SEO Rankings
Website Emissions
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Every website has a carbon footprint. What’s yours?
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